Gas station and rest house
AVIA means customer proximity
The key feature of our brand association is the independence of its members. Our companies have a long tradition in the mineral oil business, are strongly anchored in the regional market due to their independence and are thus close to the customer. As a medium-sized Austrian group, we offer an obvious alternative to multinational corporations.
AVIA means diversity
We operate service stations in both rural and urban areas and guarantee the high quality of our fuels. We provide cozy warmth in many Austrian households. We have expanded our core competencies in the fuel sector, in addition to heating oil, to include the renewable fuel pellets. Last but not least, our comprehensive, high-quality lubricants program offers a wide range of lubricants for motor vehicles to industrial applications.
AVIA means independence
Each company decides for itself on its activities under the common umbrella brand AVIA within defined quality standards and a uniform image. For us, being a brand partner means jointly performing tasks that we can do better and more economically as a group. The intensive cooperation ensures the independence and regional strengths of our four companies.
open daily around the clock
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