
Travel Tips

Impressing pictures, fascinating stories, suggestions for your next trips as well as information about countries and its people: these are the so called "Fotovisionen" at Atrium Bad Schallerbach.

Delve into the wide variety of travelling! The event serie "Fotovisionen" is much more than simple travel reports. Do some "travelling in your head" on Mondays: pictures, reports, presentations, experiences, tips - all of these are the "Fotovisionen" which invite you to travel to the most different places on earth. First at Atrium Bad Schallerbach. But who knows? - Maybe you get so inspired to travel from destination A like Amazonas to Z like New Zealand in reality soon.

Find the topics and dates right in the event calender.

Get your tickets directly on the day. No reservation necessary. Tickets available 30 min before the "Fotovisionen" start.