small river, width: 5 - 10 m; length: 2.5 km
Mostly regulated section, 2 weirs. The Trattnach flows through the town of Bad Schallerbach. Below the railroad bridge (at the end of Bad Schallerbach), the Trattnach runs through an alluvial landscape. There are several pools. The riverbed follows a forested slope (Prallhang) for about 500 meters. Shortly before entering the town of Wallern there is a weir. There the course forks into the old riverbed (which may be fished up to the branch of the Mühlbach) and the culvert, where the lower border is located near the road bridge in Wallern.Season from March to December
Half day: € 8,00
Day: € 10,00
Season: € 160,00
Limit: 8 fish per day (3 noble fish and 5 white fish)
Licensed edition: Hermann Prummer, Grub 21, 4702 Wallern/Trattnach, Tel. 07249/43695
Please get in touch for more information.