For all those who find themselves in challenging life situations and who are plagued by mental or physical complaints, Carola Gietl offers spiritual healing, aroma applications and scar removal.
Her services also include courses from "Expedition Ich - Sebstliebe stärken, sich entdecken und wahrnehmen" (Expedition Me - Strengthening Self-Love, Discovering and Perceiving Yourself) throug "Heilkraft Atmung - Die Kraft des bewussten Atmens" (Healing Power Breathing - The Power of Conscious Breathing) and "Stress and Burnout Prevention" to "Auszeit - Den Tag bewusst abschließen und neue Kraft tanken" (Time out - Consciously end the day and recharge your batteries). These courses are possible for individuals as well as for groups.
Tuesday and Thursday 7:30 am - 12:30 pm
Wednesday and Thursday 5 pm - 8 pm
Please get in touch for more information.