They are still blossoming - the fruit trees in the "Landl". Parallel to the blossoming of the trees, the Hausruckviertel also blossoms culturally every year.
The "Kulturforum Landl" strives to give the tradition-rich cultural area in the Hausruckviertel an independent profile. The annual "Landlwochen" (Country Weeks) in spring serve as a platform for presenting the cultural diversity of the region.
Thanks to the cooperation of several local cultural institutions, the programme includes about 40 events. The programme is correspondingly diverse: In addition to classical concerts, exhibitions, readings and cabaret evenings, the cultivation of local customs in the form of cider tasting, Gstanzl singing or a horse market are among the trademarks of the Landlwochen.
And it is primarily artists with a connection to the "Landl" who put their stamp on the "Landlwochen", such as the Hausruck Philharmonic Orchestra or various folk music groups.