© St. Georgen Obstbaumallee. Panoramablick auf die Allee an einem sonnigen Tag.
St. Georgen Obstbaumallee. Panoramablick auf die Allee an einem sonnigen Tag.


They are still blossoming - the fruit trees in the "Landl". Parallel to the blossoming of the trees, the Hausruckviertel also blossoms culturally every year.

The "Kulturforum Landl" strives to give the tradition-rich cultural area in the Hausruckviertel an independent profile. The annual "Landlwochen" (Country Weeks) in spring serve as a platform for presenting the cultural diversity of the region.

Concerts, exhibitions, readings and cabaret

Thanks to the cooperation of several local cultural institutions, the programme includes about 40 events. The programme is correspondingly diverse: In addition to classical concerts, exhibitions, readings and cabaret evenings, the cultivation of local customs in the form of cider tasting, Gstanzl singing or a horse market are among the trademarks of the Landlwochen.

Artists with a connection to the "Landl

And it is primarily artists with a connection to the "Landl" who put their stamp on the "Landlwochen", such as the Hausruck Philharmonic Orchestra or various folk music groups.

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